
An orange door signifies that the owner is social. Orange is not a popular door color, that is why it is very inexpensive.


Blue doors can mean that the occupants are calm and value truth. At this time, blue is the most popular color in the US.


A white door connotes both simplicity and cleanliness. Even one speck of mud can mas the purity and balance of the white entrance way.


A purple door could signify that the homeowner is comfortable taking risks, sophisticated and worldy.


A yellow door often signifies that the owner is creative, logical, or optimistic. They often serve as beacons of brightness beckoning people inside.


A brown door is usually more rustic, and transmits a relaxed, down-to-earth feel.


Pink doors are rare, but they suggest that the structure houses someone who is romantic, generous, and cheery.


Green doors are popular, and it is not surprising that a green door could mean that you are entering a peaceful and serene home.


Until recently, when blue took over, it was the most popular door color. A red door is exciting, vibrant and very welcoming.


Black doors are often quite modern. They indicate control, order, and formality.